Who We Are
Nayath is a technology company that harnesses the power of precision to green the supply chain. Nayath's process demystifies complexity by replacing estimations with precise solutions.
What We Do
What is the fewest number of containers needed to ship items from point A to point B? Companies such as Amazon, Walmart, and FedEx tackle this problem through estimation. Today’s estimations miss the mark by ~22%. This means that globally 1 out of 5 boxes, shipping containers, cargo ships, trains, and trucks are a waste. In the US alone, this inefficiency is equivalent to ~123 million metric tons of unnecessary carbon dioxide - the equivalent to the combined emissions of the 27 lowest carbon-producing countries or
~$15 billion in carbon tax. ​Nayath's process replaces estimation with precision and, as a result, allows companies to green the supply chain, improve efficiency, address resource and labor challenges, and avoid carbon taxes.
Where We Deploy
Nayath's API can be configured
to deliver results in other industries:
Chip Design
Data Storage/Compression
Machine Task Scheduling
Signals Processing
Supply Chain
Other Sciences